Thursday, May 7, 2009

When the local arts writer is let go

The May issue of the Art Newspaper has a lengthy article on the decline of arts journalism in the newspaper industry.  You probably have some first hand experience in your market, almost everyone can point to staff cuts at the local daily.  Either your local reporter was let go or their beat is now much larger so it's harder than ever to get their attention for a story pitch.

One of the article's key points is that, while newspaper arts coverage is in danger, there are more people writing about the arts than ever, thanks to blogs.

If you are concerned about the decreasing coverage of the arts in your local media I would suggest it's time to update your media list to include the authors from your most popular local arts/entertainment blogs.  While these writers are rarely trained critics in the way traditional arts journalists may have been, they are becoming a vital source of arts news when newspapers are cutting back.

As an example, here in the Triangle there's a name that probably isn't on a lot of traditional story pitch lists, it's Ginny Skalski.  Ginny's a community content manager at the local NBC affiliate's online effort,  

She's not officially a reporter, but not only does Ginny make decisions on what's shown on the site.  She's a major contributor to the local events blog  And she hosts her own site as well  As such she has the power to touch thousands directly each day and could be a valuable contact for any arts marketer in our area.

Do a Google Blog search for arts, or museums, or theatre in your community and soon you'll likely find the Ginny Skalskis that are writing in your market.  If you don't already have them on your media contact lists add them and make a first connection. 


Ginny said...

Thanks for the shout out. I agree that local bloggers are doing their part to help promote the arts. I'm always open to adding events to my weekly "Things to do in the Triangle" list.

Dewey said...

My pleasure Ginny. Keep up the good work.