Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Alternative advertising ideas for Facebook

Seems a lot of folks are back in the swing of things after vacations and a long holiday weekend.  Not sure about your office but ours is definitely back to full steam.  So I'm back to the regular blog schedule as well.

If you've had concerns (or heard them from your internal audiences) about advertising on Facebook and other social sites because of the content your brand might be surrounded by, you'll be interested in this article Making Facebook Pay. It appeared yesterday in Forbes' online edition.

The article highlights the way some big brands (GM, Volkswagen) are placing their ads with application developers that can guarantee the content environment.  Seems to me step one is putting your ads in "safe" widgets and apps like the ones created by RockYou.  A next, more powerful step is creating your own widget or application, intertwining your brand and the users actions.

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