The Guggenheim has announced a partnership with YouTube to review user submissions on a channel called YouTube Play. Professional artists will judge the videos posted and the Top 20 will appear in an upcoming Guggenheim exhibition.
As a marketer, I admire the genius of the idea. It combines technology, current culture and makes the exhibition accessible to a much younger audience. And if you have any doubt about the exhibition having a PR hook, well the Washington Post did a full write up on it.
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I'm not an art historian or a curator and have never claimed to be. Aside from the marketability of the YouTube exhibition, I have some reservations. I enjoy full dance numbers for weddings and watching Charlie bite his brother's finger too. But frankly I'm not expecting to see them on framed screens in the Guggenheim. Here's hoping that in attracting new audiences, the museum doesn't dilute it's brand at the same time.